What is more important? Being well educated or well trained?

Source: Minion GIFs

From the last few years, we are seeing a never-ending debate between education and training. Though it may sound similar, these two words are entirely different from each other. While the word “education” is derived from the Latin word “Educare” which precisely means to bring up or to lead out, the word “Training” is more about the practical approach of education in our lives.

While there are well-trained people who are not educated, there are others who are educated but are not trained enough to do certain tasks. If you have read enough, you may have realized that many college dropouts impacted the world by their creativity, persistence, life skills, and work.

The late philanthropist and CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs believed that schools and colleges made people stupid and kill creativity. I know, it may sound offensive as an advocate of education but soon you will realize that education is like a belief system where your books are your idols, and libraries are as sacred as worshipping places.

If we look at this perception, it means that though it is beneficial but is narrowing down our thoughts to mere grades. The business models of schools and universities have made us handicapped to an extent. While there is a learning of subjects, it is mostly confined to books of the subjects you are reading.

There is a term called “Gamification of learning”. Gamification is nothing but an educational approach to motivate students to learn via game designs and game elements in learning environments. The objective of this concept is to maximize interest, engage students, and inspire them to think out of the box.

Why training is as important as education?

#aamir khan from beech mein tera junoon
Source: Three Idiots movie (2009)

While education is a mode of training if done properly, there are some aspects of professional training which makes it equally important as education. Since working professionals like Engineers, Technicians, TV Producers, Doctors, and everyone contributes to the national economy, they need to start early to achieve perfection.

Training evolves your personality and teaches you on “How to survive in Workplaces?”. Education might make you a civilized and knowledgeable person, but training is what makes you a sellable in the Industry. When you graduate from your college, your grades might be essential for getting admission into the top university for Postgraduate, but it is your internships and training that help your Resume.

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