How to associate yourselves with Teach for India campaign?

If you are an aspiring educationist, there are several non-governmental organizations like “Teach for India” that allows you to contribute to our Education system in a better way. Apart from ground level exposure, they offer you a few financial perks. The objective of this organization is to promote nation-building via education. While it provides full-timeContinue reading “How to associate yourselves with Teach for India campaign?”

What is more important? Being well educated or well trained?

From the last few years, we are seeing a never-ending debate between education and training. Though it may sound similar, these two words are entirely different from each other. While the word “education” is derived from the Latin word “Educare” which precisely means to bring up or to lead out, the word “Training” is moreContinue reading “What is more important? Being well educated or well trained?”

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